Following countries (represented by 19 organisations) have been participating in Annex 63: Austria, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland and the United States of America. Please click on a country and find the contact details of Annex 63-participants.
Following cities were involved in Annex 63: Salzburg, Vienna (Austria), Burlington, Guelph, London (Ontario), Toronto (Canada), Egedal, Middelfart, Roskilde, Skive (Denmark), Lille, Strasbourg (France), Aachen, Ludwigsburg, Karlsruhe (Germany), Kitakyushu, Yokohama (Japan), Maastricht (the Netherlands), Oslo, Bergen (Norway), Basel (Switzerland), Minneapolis (USA). Also Graz (Austria), Ottawa, Pickering (Canada), Ballerup, Lyngby (Denmark), Bottrop (Germany), Amsterdam, Parkstad (the Netherlands) and Zürich (Switzerland) supported the project team with information and case studies.